- Provide leadership, direction, and coordination of the activities of the Association
- Determine long-range, strategic planning, and the setting of Association goals
- Develop, enforce, and reevaluate Association bylaws, policies, and procedures
- Analyze budgets and financial reports
- Supervise overall functions of the Association
- Preside at meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee
- Ex-officio voting member of each committee
- Appoint committees
- Promote a sense of community by supporting open communication through whatever means available, encouraging member participation, and making self available to the membership
- Perform such other duties as necessary to carry out the purposes of the Association
Vice President, Meetings
- Contact members to identify meeting locations for the upcoming year
- Compile the meeting topics, speakers, coordinator, and the sponsor for the monthly meetings
- Identify the venue and caterer for the annual luncheon
- Recruit sponsors for the annual luncheon
- Work with the President and other Board members to plan and implement the annual member luncheon each June
- Coordinate the annual Planning Retreat for the Executive Board, including locating a venue and caterer
Vice President, Legislative
- Coordinate with members of the Legislative Committee to address the attendance at meetings with stakeholders regarding proposed or introduced legislation affecting most members, with an emphasis on Workers' Compensation issues
- Coordinate the dissemination of information about legislation and help formulate a position for the Association
- Assist in arranging the Association's response to legislation, including helping to coordinate or provide testimony before legislative committees
- Assist in seeking and coordinating input and responses from other groups or businesses with similar goals and positions on proposed legislation
- Maintain and reconcile bank accounts monthly, issue payments, and deposit revenue.
- Coordinate with Membership chair regarding all dues payments to ensure membership lists are current
- Obtain signature of the President on necessary payments. (Treasurer and President are account signatories)
- Create and present monthly Treasurer's report for the monthly Association meeting
- Initiates financial audit as required in the By Laws
- Initiates annual tax return immediately following the close of the fiscal year
- Completes the Annual Report to the Secretary of State online each October
- Completes annual Charitable Organization filing to the Secretary of State online each October
- Maintains reports for annual record keeping
- Technology infrastructure is currently maintained by the City of Colorado Springs Department of Information Technology, allowing the Association to benefit from the security infrastructure of the City IT network
- Prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Association and preserve an accurate record of all proceedings and meetings
- Notify all members of Association meetings at least seven (7) days in advance of the meetings
- Send out notices and other communication to members
- Act as Webmaster for Association website
- Perform other duties as requested by the President
Membership Chair
- Send membership invoices to all current and known past members and non-members who are candidates for membership. Invoices are sent beginning the first of June and continue through the end of the calendar year.
- Maintain a current and accurate roster of paid members
- Recruit Special Event Sponsors
- Send the Special Event Sponsor Invoices and Member Invitations for the annual luncheon (send every two weeks in April through May)
- Maintain a list of paid sponsors for the annual luncheon (Company and Attendee names)
- Maintain a list of confirmed attendees for the annual luncheon (Company and Attendee names)
- Any checks received by the Membership Chair are forwarded to the Treasurer for deposit
- Recruit new members to the Association
Legislative Committee
- Conduct annual negotiations with Pinnacol and the WCEA regarding proposed legislation
- Meet to discuss proposed legislation and its impact
- Formulate responses to legislation
- Testify for or against legislation at legislative committee hearings
- Coordinate membership response to proposed legislation, including crafting talking points for members